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    Înregistrarea bărcilor din Saint Kitts și Nevis (pentru TOATE naționalitățile)

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Înregistrați-vă barca în Saint Kitts și Nevis sau în Polonia

boat registration
St Kitts and Nevis Boat and Yacht Registration

Experience the efficiency of registering your yacht with the St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry, also known as SKANReg, for a seamless process.

Since 2005, SKANReg has gained international recognition as a reliable option for yacht registration. It provides global validity for pleasure yachts, bareboat charters, crewed charters, and vessels in ownership and construction. What sets it apart is the remarkable fact that you can complete the entire yacht registration procedure in just one day, with minimal paperwork!

Perfect for former Delaware-flagged boat owners

With the introduction of new regulations in February 2023, the Delaware government now requires boat registration only for residents who can prove their residency. As a result, many boat owners with current Delaware registrations need to explore alternative registration options. The St. Kitts flag registration offers the perfect solution for these boat owners.

Register your boat in St. Kitts and Nevis within a day!

The outstanding feature of the St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry is its fast and streamlined registration process, which can be completed in just one day. This swift process allows you to start operating your yacht promptly. Simply fill out our user-friendly online form to register your yacht, and we will handle the rest. If you apply early in the morning, we will prepare your documentation, and by the end of the same day, your registration will be ready for immediate use.

Internationally recognized

St. Kitts & Nevis flag The St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry adheres to the Merchant Shipping Act and complies with regulations set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). It proudly flies an internationally recognized flag, ensuring there are no restrictions on the nationality of the yacht owner and crew.

Includes MMSI Radio License

The registration fee for your boat in St. Kitts and Nevis covers the mandatory MMSI radio license. If you are registering for private use, you do not need an operator license for the MMSI.


  • 01


    Completați formularul nostru online în doar 3 minute

  • 02


    Trimiteți-ne documentele de pe barcă și copia pașaportului.

  • 03


    Traducem și trimitem toate documentele către autoritățile Delaware

  • 04


    Vă trimitem noua înregistrare prin curier peste noapte

Simplified paperwork!

Pentru a vă înregistra iahtul în Saint Kitts și Nevis, nu avem nevoie de niciun raport de sondaj, iar documentația este foarte simplă:

Pașaportul proprietarului sau cartea de identitate (Pentru proprietarii de companii, sunt necesare documentele companiei și actele de identitate ale directorului)

Bill de vânzare sau certificat de constructor

Certificat CE sau certificat de constructor sau certificat de tonaj sau inspecție a navei (vă rugăm să rețineți: oricare dintre aceste patru opțiuni)

Dovada ștergerii anterioare a registrului (dacă este cazul)

Certificat de înregistrare a iahtului actual (dacă este cazul)

Program de lucru
Înmatriculare barcă

Putem înregistra nava dvs. fie prin intermediul serviciului nostru expres, fie cu înregistrarea noastră normală.

3 - 4 săptămâni
Înregistrare standard


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